
2006-09-25 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:miaomiaolong 译
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“常规影像技术,例如CT,MRI和超声不能显示肝硬化前的肝纤维化,可靠的无创性肝纤维化检查方法对慢性肝病病人的治疗具有巨大影响,”,Rochester Minnesota的Mayo医院Richard L. Erman博士说道。








MR elastography quantitatively assesses liver fibrosis

NEW YORK (Reuters Health), Sep 22 - Magnetic resonance (MR) elastography noninvasively provides a quantitative assessment of liver fibrosis, according to a report in the August issue of Radiology.

"Conventional imaging modalities such as CT, MRI, and ultrasonography are not capable of demonstrating liver fibrosis prior to the onset of cirrhosis," Dr. Richard L. Ehman from Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, told Reuters Health. "The availability of a reliable, noninvasive method for detecting liver fibrosis could have a substantial impact on the management of patients with chronic liver disease."

Dr. Ehman and colleagues developed a method for measuring liver stiffness with MR elastography and prospectively tested the technique on 12 healthy volunteers and 12 patients with liver fibrosis.

The mean liver stiffness in healthy volunteers was 2.0 kPa, the authors report, with no significant difference between subcostal and transcostal images, whether they were orthogonal or oblique.

Among the patients with chronic liver disease who underwent liver biopsy, one had no detectable fibrosis, four had stage 1 liver fibrosis, three had stage 2 fibrosis, three had stage 3 fibrosis, and one had stage 4 fibrosis.

The liver stiffness in the patient without fibrosis was 2.7 kPa, the researchers note, compared with a mean liver shear stiffness of 5.6 kPa among the 11 patients with varying degrees of liver disease.

Since this study was completed, "we have substantially improved the technology, especially in the way that mechanical waves are applied to the liver," Dr. Ehman said. "As a result, we are now able to generate cross-sectional maps of the elasticity of the entire liver in a very brief acquisition time."

"We have expanded our clinical trial with the technique, using the improved methods," Dr. Ehman explained. "Shortly, we will have enough additional data, together with biopsy results, to be able to report the sensitivity and specificity of MR elastography for diagnosing liver fibrosis in this larger series."

"The current results are extremely promising," Dr. Ehman concluded.

Radiology 2006;240:440-448.



弹性是人体组织的重要物理特性。正常组织与病理组织相比,两者的弹性存在较大差异。磁共振弹性成像(Magnetic Resonance Elastography, MRE)能直观显示和量化组织弹性的非侵入性成像方法。临床触诊是一种主观的判断,缺乏客观的量化指标,实际上是评价人体组织对抗变形的物理特性,这种特性称为弹性模量。MRE作为一种新的能直观显示和量化组织弹性的非侵入性成像方法显示出了良好的研究和应用前景,使“影像触诊”成为了可能,弥补了临床医生触诊的局限性。



编辑: 张靖

