
2006-10-08 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:xihuansushi
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...Everted Xiphisternum 剑突外翻

This may present as a palpable mass in the epigastrium, which is not painful and is firm to hard on palpation (Figure 14 ).
这表现为上腹部可触及的肿物,无疼痛,触诊坚硬。(图14 )

Figure 14. A, Prominently everted xiphisternum (Xi phi-Str) presenting as a lump in the epigastrium. Arrows point to the xiphisternum. B, Prominently everted xiphisternum presenting as a lump in the epigastrium, extended view. Liv indicates liver; P, pancreas; Rcts, rectus sheath; St, stomach; and XS, xiphisternum.
图14 A,剑突显著外翻,表现为上腹部肿块。箭头指示剑突。B,剑突显著外翻,表现为上腹部肿块,扩展的示图。Liv表示肝,P,胰腺,Rcts,腹直肌鞘;St, 胃;XS,剑突。

Neoplasms 肿瘤

Lipomas are occasionally seen in the abdominal wall. They appear as well-defined ovoid or pad-like masses (Figure 15A ). Most lipomas in the abdominal wall are isoechoic to slightly hyperechoic compared with the muscles (Figure 15B ). A thin echogenic capsule can usually be seen.

Figure 15. A, Lipoma. B, Multiple lipomas
图15 A,脂肪瘤。B,多发性脂肪瘤。

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编辑: 张靖

