
2006-10-08 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:xihuansushi
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Miscellaneous Lesions 其他病变

.. Urachal Cyst 脐尿管囊肿
A urachal cyst may be seen in between the umbilicus and the bladder. It is usually situated in the lower third of the urachus but can be seen just inferior to the umbilicus. These cysts may appear totally anechoic or may reveal low-level internal echoes (Figure 11 )
脐尿管囊肿见于脐和膀胱之间,通常位于脐尿管的下1/3 ,但也可见于仅位于脐下。这些囊肿可表现为完全无回声或低回声。

Figure 11. A, Urachal cyst. The cyst is infected and contains faintly echogenic fluid. B, Urachal cyst. The anterior wall of the tense cyst produces reverberation artifacts.


Endometriosis of the abdominal wall may occur as a long-term complication of uterine surgery. It has no specific appearance but is seen as a focal mass at the scar of previous surgery with attacks of cyclic pain and swelling (Figure 12 ).

Figure 12. Endometriosis in a cesarean delivery scar.
图12 ,剖宫产伤疤处子宫内膜异位

...Abdominal Wall Hematoma 腹壁血肿

A rectus sheath hematoma may develop after paroxysms of coughing or sneezing or after seizures. The underlying cause is usually either anticoagulant therapy or some bleeding disorder. Because these hematomas are limited within the rectus sheath, they are not very big. Their shape depends on their location. Above the arcuate line, they are usually ovoid in shape with the long axis superoinferior and are seen on one side (Figure 13A ). Below the arcuate line, because of the absence of the linea alba, they can extend across the midline. Then the hematoma may be seen as a padlike lesion with its maximum length along the transverse axis.21–23 In one neonate, an abdominal wall hematoma was seen to spread transversely in the supraumbilical region (Figure 13, B and C ). In patients with post surgical disseminated intravascular coagulation, large hematomas are seen in the abdominal wall in the vicinity of the surgical scar (Figure 13D ).


Figure 13. A, Rectus sheath hematoma in an elderly woman after severe cough. Arrows point to the fascia transversalis. B, Abdominal wall hematoma in a neonate. C, Abdominal wall hematoma overlying umbilical vein insertion in a neonate. UV indicates umbilical vein. D, Abdominal wall hematoma in a cesarean delivery scar in a patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation.

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编辑: 张靖

